Thursday, 23 August 2007

Is God the solution?

The mothers are watching TV when we arrive at the nursery. It’s a program about Jesus. A lady is preaching a sermon. We switch it off when they leave the room and put the radio on instead. We start painting. 95% of the songs are about God…on hip-hop, rock, reggae tunes. Malawian people are very religious. “What church are you going to?” is a question that I’ve been asked several times.

Facts: Christianity is the main religion in Malawi - 60% Protestants, 15% Catholics and also Methodists, Baptists and Seventh Day Adventists. Until 2001, Bible Knowledge was a required subject for all Malawian secondary school students—it has since been replaced with a Religious Education curriculum that includes other world beliefs. 20% of the population is Muslim. There is a small Hindu presence

God is omnipresent in the life of a Malawian… which I guess makes sense in a country where people have such little hope... In fact the problems of Malawi require a "God-sized" solution. But in some cases God sounds more like a way to excuse a questionable/unconscionable behavior to me. Like this young man whom Johanna and I met at the HIV/AIDS club (see Taboo’s note). He wouldn’t use a condom stating that if it was time for him to contract the virus, then it was God’s will. Same for the girl he could be contaminating… Or that mother working at the nursery looking me straight in the eyes: “I need $100 to go to America. God will provide me”. Is she mistaking me with someone? Also I had a discussion about Malaria with an aide worker the other day. He raised money and wanted to buy some mosquito nets – which remain the best way to fight malaria… But the pastor of the congregation asked for Bibles and prayers books instead.

I'm not religious but I would describe myself as a spiritual being. What I mean is that I’m convinced that what may seem unpleasant or wrong on the surface undoubtedly holds a greater life lesson in the long run. But at the same time I try to take full responsibility for my actions and to accept their consequences. How can some people believe that prayers thrown at sky can solve the Malaria or Aids issues? I know that this topic is a sensitive one but after what I've been seing here in Malawi, I'm sure that if we could take God out of the equation then we will have a chance of getting somewhere...

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